Pets like cats and dogs get a lot of love and attention from humans, and you have to wonder if other species get a little jealous sometimes.
Surely there are some animals out there thinking to themselves, “I’m just as cute as the dog is, why can’t I sleep indoors and get petted?”
Maybe it’s just a matter of acting the part—like this cow, who knows how to behave like a dog.
Goliath was just a tiny calf when he was rescued by Shaylee Hubbs and her family in 2015—she told ABC News that he was “so weak and so small that he couldn’t stand and you could pick him up very easily.”
But soon the calf grew… and as he grew, he found an unexpected role model: the family’s Great Dane, Leo.
Soon the family realized that Goliath “thinks he’s a dog.”
In the most memorable instance, the family left their door open “for 5 minutes,” and returned to find the cow had taken the opportunity to make his way inside and curl up on the couch:
Shaylee tweeted the photo, and it went viral, getting shared over 40,000 times.
As Goliath the cow/dog became famous, she shared even more examples, like enjoying scratches:
To even eating out of the dog bowl:
But it’s understandable that Goliath would pick up this distinctly dog-like habits: Leo is not only his closest friend, but has been a nurturing parent figure to Goliath ever since he arrived at the ranch.
“He would lick the little cow on the face and try to nudge him to stand up,” Shaylee told ABC. “He would lay down with the sick, little cow for hours just to keep him company.”
And the family doesn’t seem to mind that their cow thinks he’s a dog, because they love him as one, calling him a beloved “pet and family member.”
Who’s to say a cow can’t be the family dog? We’d let this little guy on our couch any day!
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