Cardinals are one of the most beautiful birds, don’t you agree? Plus, I love the meaning associated with a cardinal that visits you.
It’s believed that when you see a cardinal, a loved one is paying you a visit. How special is that? And while we must care for all animals, that is why I’ve always had a special place in my heart for cardinals. And it’s precisely why this rescue story hit me a little differently than all the rest.
Angela Buck was about to let her dogs out of her Pennsylvania home when she noticed a small puff of red sitting in her driveway. It was a cardinal, and when she attempted to shoo it away the bird hopped on her hand.
“He didn’t seem hurt, he was moving his head and repositioning himself on my hand. He was literally sitting there and wouldn’t fly away,” she wrote on Facebook.
Angela contacted the closest animal rescue center, which was an hour and a half away, to her home. After describing the bird’s behavior, she was told it was likely the bird was either hit by a car or flew into something and suffered a concussion.
She was instructed to put the cardinal that she named Clifford in a box in a quiet location and then after a few hours see if the bird was ready to spread its wings and fly away.
After a two hour rest, Angela checked on the cardinal.
At first, it didn’t appear ready to leave, but after a little hesitation Clifford flew to a nearby tree.
Thank you, Angela for saving this beautiful bird. You did the right thing by calling the animal rescue center.
Share these gorgeous photos on Facebook. How many times are you able to see the beauty of a cardinal this close?