There’s just something about grumpy-looking cats that makes the internet fall in love. That’s the case for one cat, whose intense, serious expression while on the job has made her a star.
Meet Pearl, defender of the watermelons:
Pearl lives with her owner in a village in Thailand. While many pet cats are known for being lazy, this one has a job supervising a watermelon farm, and it’s clear that she takes her duties very, very seriously.
While the humans are hard at work, Pearl stands guard from her little plastic chair, keeping would-be melon thieves at bay.
While Pearl is famous for her very intense approach to her duties, her owner insists she’s actually a very sweet, friendly cat.
When off the clock, Pearl seems to enjoy the little things in life, like food, travel and just laying around the house.
Just don’t cross her, or her angry side will come out again.
What a funny cat! No one’s getting to those watermelons with Pearl standing guard.