Boy visits ‘scary’ looking cat in secret every day to give him all the love

Not all animals have that cute, cuddly appeal, especially in the eyes of children who don’t always understand why animals look different.

For Ace the cat he had lost an eye due to an infection. Thankfully he didn’t let this loss slow him down but it meant he wasn’t always the most approachable cat.

“He can sometimes seem scary, especially to children,” owner Norma Maikovich told The Dodo. “People are often hesitant to greet him.”

Norma Maikovich

But thanks to security footage outside her house Norma soon learned that not everyone finds her cat intimidating.

Norma saw that during Ace’s lounge time on their front porch one boy paid her cat frequent visits.

The footage shows the boy riding his bike over almost every single day to spend quality time with Ace.

“It melted our hearts, not just seeing how much Ace loves this boy, but how familiar they were to each other!” she said. “Sitting by the front door, as soon as Ace sees his friend, he rushes out to greet him. It’s awesome, this bond they share.”

Norma Maikovich

Norma was so pleased that someone else had seen past Ace’s disability to discover the sweet soul he really was. She has since told the boy he’s welcome to visit Ace any time.

“A friend of Ace’s is a friend of ours,” she said. “Once we realized that they were fast friends, it made us really happy.

‘Chance of life and love’

“Ace isn’t a scary guy, and it just goes to show that appearances aren’t everything,” Norma said.

“Seeing the footage of Ace and his buddy really proves that when given the chance of life and love and a family, animals with special needs and handicaps are worth it too.”

I’m glad this sweet boy is able to see the loving and gentle cat Ace is, I’m sure these two will remain good friends.

Please share with all the cat lovers you know.


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