“Incredibly lazy” horse named Custard naps so much that people think he’s dead, owner writes in hilarious viral post

Do you ever have days when you don’t want to do anything except lay around and get some shut-eye? Well Custard the horse might just be your spirit animal.

According to a hilarious viral post from the horse’s owner, Custard naps so much that people frequently think he’s sick or dead — so much so that she had to clear things up about her “incredibly lazy” pet.

A woman named Alex Tielles shared the story in a Facebook group called “Guernsey People Have Your Say!,” a group for residents of the British Isle of Guernsey.

Alex wanted to bring to attention her horse, Custard, after receiving a “number of calls and messages” from locals who thought the horse was dead or ill.

But she assured everyone that her horse was physically healthy — he’d just rather be napping. “He’s just a baby and is incredibly lazy,” Alex wrote.

She attached a photo, showing Custard enjoying his favorite activity, napping in the middle of the field.

Alex Tielles/Facebook

“He sleeps a lot and may even snore and grunt like he can’t breathe,” she continued. “I check him at least 3 times a day and he has unlimited hay and is fed at least twice a day.”

But enough people mistake the sleepy horse for a dead one that she’s had to make things abundantly clear. “I must make some signs for the gate to let people know,” adding that the local SPCA frequently gets calls about Custard.

Alex also asked people to not bring Custard any extra treats. “Please please don’t ever feed them they are very well fed and extras can cause them to bite or fight and can make them seriously ill or kill them by choking or stomach ache.”

What a funny story! It definitely seems like Custard is living the good life — many of us would love to just lie around and nap all day!

Please share this funny story!


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