Baby fox found with plastic jar trapped on head — rescuer saves the day

Human garbage can be a serious hazard for animals. We’ve seen many stories of wildlife getting stuck in jars, bottles and cans.

That was the case recently when one little fox got trapped in a plastic jar — but thankfully a team of rescuers were on hand to save the day.

According to a Facebook post from The Fox Project, a charity based in Southeast England, a local found a little fox cub whose head was completely stuck in a clear plastic jar.

After they alerted the charity, a volunteer arrived on the scene to help save the fox, who was dubbed “Jar Jar.”

“With swift precision, a hole was cut in the jar to allow airflow and Jar Jar was brought to the safety of our hospital,” The Fox Project wrote.

The fox was reportedly shaken by the incident, and was dehydrated, hungry, and covered in ticks, but thankfully had no injuries.

They continued to observe the fox, and with some care, rest and some nourishing meals, the animal has made major improvements.

In an update, the Fox Project said she was “doing really well,” and has joined a group of four other rescued bus, “enjoying their company in an outdoor pen.” In time, she will be released back into the wild.

Situations like this are not uncommon, as animals often go through our garbage in search of food. Curious animals stick their heads straight into disposed containers, not realizing they’ll get stuck.

People can help prevent this by properly recycling, putting lids back on discarded jars and cans, and putting a lid on their bins.

Jar Jar’s story has inspired some to increase their precautions. “This looks like the type of jar we buy peanut butter in,” one comment on the post reads. “Obviously they go in the recycling bin, but from now on I think I’ll be cutting them in half from top to bottom too.”

Thank you for rescuing this beautiful little fox! Please share this story if you love animals!


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