The U.S. House recently passed a bill that makes animal cruelty a federal felony.
The Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act (PACT Act) expands on the Animal Crush Video Prohibition Act, which banned the creation and distribution of videos depicting animal torture.
While the previous law, which was signed in 2010, makes it illegal under federal law to distribute so-called animal-crushing videos, the prosecution of the act itself was left up to the individual states. Since it’s difficult to tell where the crime in these crush videos has occurred, local law enforcement found it hard to make a case.
The PACT Act makes animal crushing illegal under federal law.
The bill, which is co-sponsored by Democrat Ted Deutch and Republican Vern Buchanan, makes it a federal felony to purposely crush, burn, drown, suffocate, impale, or seriously injure an animal and then depict it in a photo, video, or other form of media.
The PACT Act would also allow officials to pursue suspected animal abusers who cross state lines.
Those found in violation will be charged with a federal felony and are subject to a fine and up to seven years in prison.
The PACT Act will move to the Senate next.
This is amazing news! I’m so happy that we’re one step closer to protecting animals from animal abusers.
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