Many people enjoy watching livestreams of animals. These channels, usually offered by zoos and farms, allows animal lovers to check in on their favorite creatures in real-time, like pandas or penguins.
These livestreams have become especially popular in recent months, as many zoos have been closed to the public and people are looking for something relaxing to watch to escape from the world.
But when one woman checked in on a pig’s livestream, it turned out to be much more exciting than she bargained for—and she ended up saving its life!

The “Swine Cam” offered by June Farms in West Sand Lake, New York might not seem like the most riveting piece of entertainment on the internet: it just shows ordinary farm pigs hanging around their sty.
But a woman named Laura Palladino was happy to check in on Ethel, a pregnant pig she had met during a recent visit to the farm.
Not too surprisingly, she was the only one watching. “She’s not putting on a show or nothing,” Laura joked to CBS News. “But it’s also the least stressful [thing on the internet].”
But the relaxing feed soon took a dramatic turn. Laura watched as Ethel knocked over a heat lamp and buried it in hay, and flames began to spread.

Laura was terrified. No one seemed to notice the fire, and she was the only person watching the pig cam.
She realized it was up to her to save the pig’s life, although things seemed hopeless. She was 60 miles away from the farm.
“I just called 911, but I’m in Dutchess County, so the 911 sent me to Dutchess County 911. And the operator, he was like, ‘What? You’re watching a YouTube video?’” Laura told WKBN.
But then, she was able to get in touch with the farm—and she watched with relief as farm owner Matt Baumgartner and farm manager Joshua Vics burst in to the pen with fire extinguishers.

Laura watched as the farmer comforted the pig after the incident, and was even more glad she helped save the day.
“I started crying – like this is just a lot,” she told CBS News. “And he was holding her and he’s like, ‘I’m so sorry.’ You could tell how much he loved those animals.”
It turned out that Josha Vics had raised Ethel since she was a piglet. He was extremely grateful that someone else cared about her as much as he did.
“Definitely inspiring to know that there are other people that feel as much affection and love toward these animals as we do,” he said.
“My mind immediately went to the worst. My heart dropped into my stomach,” he told WKBN. “I don’t like to think about how bad it could have been if she didn’t say something.”

The farmers got to thank Laura in person after she returned to visit the farm. She also got to see Ethel again, who was unfazed by the incident.
And Laura got a special surprise as a thank you: one of Ethel’s soon-to-be-born piglets will be named after her!
“I never thought I’d have a pig named after me, but I’ll take it,” Laura told CBS.
What an amazing story! Thank you to Laura for caring enough to save this pig’s life! Share this great news!