Police officers aren’t just out on the streets catching criminals they are also the go to person for some of the unlikeliest requests for help.
In Texas two officers were out in the community completing their reports on a shoplifting incident when a passerby asked for help.
It seems meows could be heard coming from a vehicle and the bystander thought there were cats trapped inside.

The officers inspected the vehicle and found two kittens trapped inside the bumper of a car.
After determining that the owner of the car didn’t own the kittens, Officer Joe Bob Adkins reached under the car and carefully pulled each kitten to safety, with help from Officer Hilliard.

The officers took the kittens back to the car where the kittens showed their appreciation by giving them all the love.
After driving the kittens to the nearest veterinarian, they were told the kittens were around 6 weeks old and healthy.

Once the vets and officers determined that the owner couldn’t be identified, Officer Adkins volunteered to adopt the kittens. He has named the two cats “Max” and “TJ,” Relay Hero reports.

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