Many cats have become internet celebrities over the years… but this kitten did it in his sleep.
We’ve all seen cats settle in for a nap (sometimes in our laps, sometimes on our laptops). Cats are so flexible they can sleep in any position, like snuggling up into a cozy ball of fluff.
Which makes it so funny that a kitten named Chata has always insisted on sleeping in a weirdly human way: straight on his back.
It’s such an unusual sight, almost like he’s just pretending to be asleep.
Chata, a calico kitten born in April, has won hearts all over the internet thanks to his what owner called a “unique posture,” racking up over 99,000 followers on Instagram.
To be clear, this wasn’t a one-time thing he did: there are countless photos of Chata rigidly sound asleep.
There’s even a video of Chata in action:
Chata shares his home and Instagram page with his older sister Chava. While Chava sleeps like a normal kitty…
…she’s still plenty adorable in her own right:
And it’s clear that both cats know how to chill like a human:
What a funny kitten! Never change, Chata. We hope you have the sweetest dreams.
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