An 8-week old kitten had a horrific start in life after he was shot four times and left for dead.
The kitten, named Pirate, was found at an allotment in County Durham, England, needing emergency surgery.
Pirate had been shot in the head and had to have his eye removed, as well as air rifle pellets that had lodged in the neck, spine and skull; it was touch and go whether he would survive the night.
Found sheltering in a hen house
Vet Lucie McKenzie was called to the allotment in Wingate after a member of the public found the kitten sheltering in a hen house.
At first, Dr McKenzie was unsure as to what had happened to Pirate, she thought chickens had attacked him. It was hard to tell how long the frightened kitten had been hiding in the hen house; one of his wounds was riddled with maggots.

Dr McKenzie said: “A bullet had gone right through his eye and come out at the top of his skull, leaving it fractured. We removed his eye and the pellets, although he has still has one remaining in his spine, which shouldn’t cause him any problems,” according to Vet Times.
“The surgery was so delicate because he is so small and there was a risk of his body temperature dropping. Taking an eye is difficult and there was a worry the maggots in the wounds would cause infection.”
Pirate couldn’t see at all after surgery but thankfully his sight returned and the sweet kitten who had been through so much pulled through.
Dr McKenzie adopted Pirate who now lives with the vet who saved his life as well as two other rescue cats and two dogs.
Dr McKenzie added: “The night after the operation, Pirate was tucking into his dinner and, within five days, he was running around. He couldn’t stand and was very wobbly when I first found him because he was so badly injured and weak.
“He is a firm part of the family and will have a home with me for the rest of his life.
“The people who did this to a kitten are evil.”

I couldn’t have put it better myself Dr McKenzie!
Please share to thank this wonderful vet for saving the life of Pirate and then giving him a loving home. You are an animal hero!