It’s a common misconception that cats and dogs are natural enemies, but that couldn’t be further from the truth: dogs are loyal and protective creatures, even towards cats.
We’ve seen many stories of dogs taking kittens under their wing, protecting then and helping them grow up. This story of a cat-dog friendship is especially inspiring: these two found each other just when they needed a friend the most.
In 2013, a cat named Wasabi-chan died, and her owner decided to adopt a new kitten in her memory, according to Catsparella.
She found a tabby kitten named Ichimi, who had been abandoned by her mother.

The sweet orphaned kitten finally had a loving home—and no one loved her more than Ponzu the golden retriever.
Ponzu had a close relationship with Wasabi-chan, helping her recover after a crow attack. The cat’s passing left a hole in the dog’s heart that the new kitten helped to fill.

And in return, the golden retriever took the place of the kitten’s mother, giving her love and protection in her new home.

The two quickly became best friends, playmates and cuddle buddies.
Over the years they became inseparable.

Years later, their love is still going strong. You can follow them, and all their pet siblings, on Instagram.
We love stories like this: this cat and dog formed a true loving friendship, providing each other with what they needed most.
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