It’s no surprise that cat owners like to take a lot of photos of their precious pets, but getting that perfect photogenic shot can be a challenge. Cats aren’t models, and it feels like every time you go in for the perfect photo moment they’ll dart across the room, leaving you with a blurry picture.
Which is why it’s no surprise that these adorable photos have gone viral online. They show a photographer taking a picture of a kitten… and the kitten happily poses and smiles for the camera, resulting in a perfect photo:
The photos have been spread thousands of times across social media. Everyone agrees that this photogenic kitten is adorable, many comments call it the “cutest thing ever.”
But what’s even more incredible is the story behind the pics: this cat, named Blossom, and her siblings are actually foster kittens, being taken care of by a volunteer until they can be put up for adoption and find their forever home.
Their foster mother is a woman named Lauren Boutz, from Albuquerque, New Mexico, who regularly cares for kittens for the City of Albuquerque Animal Welfare Department.
The kittens—Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup, named after the Powerpuff Girls—were five weeks old when the pics were taken in October. The photoshoot was shot by Lauren’s friend Gary Sanchez.
Foster programs give animals a place to stay while they’re waiting for a forever home or too young to be adopted yet.
It looks like these kittens are still in foster care but will likely be up for adoption soon. With their adorable faces and natural modeling skills, it shouldn’t be hard for them to find a loving family.
But Lauren hopes Blossom’s many new fans will also be inspired to foster kittens of their own.
“Reach out to your local shelter or rescue!” she wrote on Facebook. “Fosters are ALWAYS NEEDED. Plus, you get to snuggle with cuties like Blossom!”
Not only that, you’ll also be saving kittens like these from being put down.
“Fostering saves lives,” Lauren wrote. “Before fostering programs, shelters would (and some still do!) euthanize kittens that came in too young to eat on their own or be left alone through the night.”
Thank you to Lauren and everyone who steps up to foster animals! Let’s hope these photogenic kittens find good forever homes soon!
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