The Maine Coon is a very big, muscular and broad chested cat with American origins. The breed is the largest of domesticated cats and they usually attract media attention for their magical appearance.
But don’t be fooled by their respectable size – Maine Coons are usually very friendly and get along with everyone, including children, dogs and other cats.
Photographer Robert Sijka love cats and photography, so he does his best to combine both those things as good as possible.
Robert was so taken by the majestic Maine Coons that he has specifically done a Maine Coon series, to share their beauty with the world.
”It all started when I stumbled across the striking photo of Dolce Vita and De La Loo – two of the most majestic black Maine Coons I had ever seen and photographed beautifully on a simple black background..”, Robert told Catbehaviourist.
Take a look at some of Siljka’s stunning portraits of these majectic cats below!
A full-grown Maine Coon male weighs around 6-8 kg.
The breed is described as curious, fast learners with stable temperaments.
They are very sociable and it isn’t unusual for them to enjoy playing around in water and also learn to open doors.
Some people claim that Maine Coons are native to the state of Maine (where they’re also the official state cat), but how they originated remains a mystery, according to Healthy Pets.
As you probably noticed, Maine Coons come in a wide variety of colors.
The most common solid colors are black, blue, cream and white.
Of course, their coats are as unique as their wonderful personalities!
Just look at that face!
The ears of the Maine Coon cat are very special and one of its most distinguishing features.
Many people believe that Maine Coon cats are part lynx, due to the tufts on their ears, called lynx tips. But that’s not true.
Anyways – they are absolutely stunning and just perfect and handsome!
They look so wise and mysterious. 💖
I could look at pictures of this breed all day. Share with all your cat-loving friends and help make their day with these great photographs!