Some people think dogs have poor memories and forget their owners and families if they don’t meet them for a long time.
But these people couldn’t be more wrong.
These two wonderful dogs are a clear proof of that. Read their incredible story below.
Pam Corwin was out shopping when something caught her attention.
Two identical dogs rushed toward each other and happily greeted each other. It looked like they had known each other for a lifetime.
But when Pam went closer and talked to the owners of the dogs, she found out that they had never met before. The dogs were strangers to each other.
But why did they act like they had each met their best friend?
Adopted from Russia
Neither Pam nor the owners of the dogs knew the real reason at first. But then they started talking to each other about the dogs’ backgrounds and discovered an incredible coincidence.
They had both adopted their dogs from Russia a year ago. They even had flown to the United States on the same plane.
Identical tattoos
Both dogs had tattoos in their ears that showed where they came from — and to their surprise, the owners discovered that the tattoos were identical. The dogs were siblings!
Even though a year had passed, the two dogs immediately recognized each other in the store. They must have had a great relationship before, given how happy they were to see each other.
Pam filmed the event and posted the video on Facebook.
Nearly 3 million people have now seen the clip. In a comment next to the video, Pam says that the reunion lasted over half an hour and that the owners’ owners exchanged numbers so that the siblings can meet again.
Watch the dogs’ reunion here:
[arve url=”https://www.facebook.com/plugins/video.php?href=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fpjcorwin%2Fvideos%2F10216277151785383%2F&show_text=0&width=560″ /]
This video made me so happy! Dogs are so wise and they never forget their families.
It’s a real miracle that these two met again. I hope they meet a lot in the future. Share the story if it made you smile, too!