Animal rescue saves “crusty” shelter dog with mange from being put down, gives him a new start

Some dogs have medical conditions that cause them to live in misery and discomfort. But instead of giving up on these poor creatures, we should give them the love and care they need to thrive.

That’s what one animal rescue did recently, taking in a pup suffering from severe mange who was in danger of being put down — now he’s thriving ❤️

Last month, staff members at Austin Pets Alive! were visiting a nearby shelter when they saw a five-month-old puppy named Steven. It was a heartbreaking sight: the pup had demodex mange, a painful skin condition.

Steven was suffering from bad skin inflammation and his eyelids were swollen shut. He was missing almost all of his fur and had “crusty” skin. It was so bad that they feared that the shelter would soon euthanize him for medical reasons.

The APA! staff members made the decision to come back and rescue Steven, writing that they “couldn’t turn away from the light” they knew was “hiding inside this angel.”

“He was the cutest little mange puppy… He was also very curious about us checking him out in the kennel, and he seemed like a happy puppy, even though he was so uncomfortable,” Sarah Muirhead, the rescue’s senior program manager and Steven’s foster, told People.

Staff began treating Steven with medication to promote healing and soothe his painful skin. As his condition slowly improved, his personality began to shine.

“He’s full of snuggles and won’t say no to a belly rub,” APA! wrote on Facebook. “He also wears tiny t-shirts to protect his delicate skin and help it heal.”

Facebook/Austin Pets Alive!

Muirhead said that Steven has made great progress over his weeks in foster care: he loves to play and his fur has been growing back well, with only a few spots of crusty skin left.

“He’s still a little itchy occasionally, but overall, medically, he’s doing fantastic,” she told People.

Steven is now up for adoption. According to his adoption page, he is housetrained, loves to be around people and other dogs, and is very playful, ideal for an active household.

While he is still being treated for mange, it is not contagious, and recent photos show how much progress he has made in just a few weeks — his formerly pink, crusty skin now covered in a beautiful layer of fur:

Austin Pets Alive!

Steven has overcome so much in his young life — we’re glad to see he is doing so much better and hope he finds a forever home soon!

If you are interested in adopting Steven, you can apply on his adoption page. If not, please share this story to spread the word and help him find a perfect home! ❤️

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