Hard-working staff at animal shelters not only care for the creatures that are brought to their centers but also go out and rescue lost and stray animals from the streets.
One of these dogs was Luna who was found by Smith Animal Control wandering along a county road in Winona, Texas.
Luna was pregnant and as staff cared for her and awaited the arrival of her litter, they had no idea just how many babies were getting ready to enter the world.
Luna, a small heeler/lab mix, gave birth to 20 puppies in an emergency C-section.
Saving Luna and her puppies!❤This precious dog is about 2 years old, 60 lbs and is at Smith County Animal Control &…
Posted by Lynn Marsh Harty on Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Her labor had started early in the morning but didn’t go well, A dead puppy was removed from her birth canal and she then gave birth to two live puppies but stopped after that.
Smith County Animal Control staff and volunteers had the option to perform a C-section or euthanization; the latter was not an option.
The decision was then made to transfer the struggling pooch to local veterinarian Kingdom Vet Clinic and emergency surgery was performed, according to Wish TV.
Luna then gave birth to 18 puppies and was moved to a foster home to recover.
Smith County Animal Control and Shelter posted an update about Luna on their Facebook page letting people know that the brave mom and her puppies were in foster homes.
“Luna is now producing milk but unfortunately is not able to feed all the puppies herself so the rescue was able to find fosters to help bottle feed,” the post said.
This sweet dog almost made it into the record books with her huge litter. The Guinness Book of World Records has the largest litter of puppies ever birthed at 24.
Luna and her pups will eventually need a permanent home, but for now a fundraiser has been organized to help cover the cost of her surgery which was $1,200, organized by Because4Paws.

Please share this story and spread the word; hopefully loving homes can be found for these sweet dogs and her strong mom.