Being stuck out in a storm is a miserable experience. Nature is extremely powerful and high winds combined with driving rain can hurt people and humans alike.
In our own storm preparations and worries, we often forget that animals can also get caught in the storm’s path, something this bus driver noticed.
He immediately realized that he needed to act, so he stopped the bus and opened the doors.
Even though many people think that storms are exciting, they’re not fun to end up in the middle of. Fortunately, most people are able to take shelter indoors in a nearby store or restaurant if need be.
But for animals, especially homeless animals, it’s not as easy. They can try to find shelter under a tree or someplace similar, but if they go into a restaurant or shop, they are usually kicked out.

But sometimes there are real animal heroes that pay attention to the poor animals that are stuck outdoors in a storm. Just like this bus driver, in Buenos Aires, Argentina, who was out on his usual route when he noticed some homeless dogs.
In the city, it is illegal to have dogs on the bus. But instead of looking away and continuing his journey to the next stop, he went out onto the sidewalk. He opened the door and brought the homeless dogs onto the warm, dry bus.

The dogs were happy to be out of the awful weather and sat down next to the driver and further down the bus. Passengers began to notice the little dogs and photographed them. The pictures have spread all over the world and the kind, compassionate bus driver is being hailed as a hero.
Even though he broke the rules, his boss was delighted with his actions. Because when you see the faces of these dogs stuck out in a cold and wet storm, it’s nearly impossible not to react the same way as the bus driver.

This driver is a real hero. Please share the article with your friends on Facebook if you think he made the right decision.
Published by The Animal Bible. Please like.