It was a heinous crime that took the life of an innocent, beloved dog… but a year later, the victim is finally getting justice.
Last summer, a man named David Mohr, from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, drove with his dog Roleaux to a local donut shop.
He went inside, leaving the dog in the vehicle with the engine on and the air conditioner running to keep him cool. But when he exited the shop, he discovered his vehicle being carjacked… with Roleaux still inside.
The carjacker was a 30-year-old woman. David ran to stop her, to save his car, and more importantly, the dog. But things did not go well.
“I said get out my truck, get out my truck, you have my dog, get out my truck, and as I’m saying this, she puts it in reverse and drags me across the asphalt and then I saw the tire coming right at my head and I roll to my left to get out of her path,” he told WAFB.
David was hospitalized from his injuries. He underwent surgery and spent months in a wheelchair. But was more concerned about the safety of his dog, who was now in criminal hands.
Then the story took a tragic, heartbreaking turn: someone found the missing car… with poor Roleaux dead inside.
The carjacker had left the dog inside the vehicle, and he died of heat exhaustion.
The carjacker, a woman named Leslie Aguillard, was soon arrested for the crime. She reportedly showed no remorse for her actions.

David was devastated, and finding the culprit did little to bring him peace after the cruel death of his dog.
He had rescued Roleaux from being put down at the pound five years ago, and the two had become inseparable friends.
“She’s got issues and she can figure those out while she’s rotting in jail,” David said. “She took away one of the most single important things in my life.”
“I’ll cherish him for the rest of my life. It’s been 30 years since I had a dog and he was perfect… He was my king and a beautiful dog.”

A year has passed, and justice has finally been served: Leslie Aguillard has been sentenced, and will now face 12 years in prison for her crimes.
According to BRPROUD, she received the following sentences, which will be served concurrently:
- 12 years for carjacking
- 10 years for aggravated cruelty to animals
- 12 years for second degree battery
- 7 of a 12 year sentence on an unrelated charge after time served
For David, the news is long-awaited closure after what has been an extremely difficult year, though he’s not fully willing to make peace just yet.
“I feel relieved. I’m happy,” David told BRPROUD. “I can be at peace. Maybe in time I’ll have it in my heart to forgive her, but not any time soon.”
Rest in peace, Roleaux. It’s a heartbreaking tragedy, but at least now justice has been served. Share this news!