In February 2024, a construction worker was working on a two-story building when something unexpected caught his eye in a nearby backyard.
Among the grass, there was something pink and small, and it didn’t look quite right. Curious, the worker climbed down from his scaffolding to investigate – and what he found was something he never could have imagined.
At We Love Animals, we admire people who go above and beyond to ensure animals feel safe and cared for. But sometimes, that’s easier said than done. Humans can be cruel, and nature can be unforgiving. This story, however, is one of hope and compassion.
While working on the job, the construction worker noticed the strange, pink object in the homeowner’s garden. Upon closer inspection, he realized it was an animal, and something about the situation didn’t sit right.

His suspicions were confirmed when he came face-to-face with the creature making odd noises.
“He said [he was] making a funny noise,” Theresa Matthews of Our Haven Wildlife Shelter told The Dodo.
What he initially thought might be a naked pet or a strange creature turned out to be a baby kangaroo – an orphaned joey. The strange noises were actually desperate cries for its mother.
Relying heavily on their moms
Recognizing the gravity of the situation, the worker contacted Our Haven Wildlife Shelter, and a volunteer rushed to the scene to organize transport. It was clear that the mother kangaroo was nowhere to be found.
The wildlife shelter conducted a thorough check-up on the little joey, and luckily, he wasn’t injured.
“I gave him a warm bottle, which he drank very well,” Theresa Matthews said.
Baby kangaroos, or joeys, typically stay in their mothers’ pouches for the first six months of their lives, relying heavily on their moms for warmth, food, and protection. Without that pouch and the nurturing care of their mothers, orphaned joeys face significant challenges.

Fortunately, this little one had rescuers who were eager to provide the comfort he desperately needed.
According to Matthews, the joey is currently doing well, and provided he continues to thrive, he will eventually be released back into the wild once he’s old enough to survive on his own.
Now snug and well-fed, it’s clear this resilient joey is getting the second chance he deserves.
“He is a very strong little boy,” Matthews added, giving a hopeful glimpse into this joey’s future.