Being in the ‘right place at the right time’ is a phrase we can all relate to but this is just half the story when it comes to emergency situations.
When elevator doors closed trapping a dog’s leash his owner could only grapple to save him as he was launched into the air. Thankfully a doctor happened to walk by and not only was in the right place at the right time but knew exactly what to do.
The Tampa doctor, still in his blue scrubs, jumped into action saving the dog from a nasty fate and assisting a very distressed dog owner who was clearly struggling to save her dog from choking to death.

Dr Mohammad Awad’s heroic rescue was caught on camera and shared by his very proud brother on social media with the words, “My brother saved a dog’s life.”
CCTV footage from the lobby of the Olympus Harbour Island Apartments in Florida shows the doctor jumping up to free the dog from his leash and then they both fall to the floor.
Leash stuck in elevator doors
The dog and the doctor appear to be unharmed while the owner seems in shock.
Speaking to CNN, Dr Awad said: “My neighbor just got off the elevator with her dog and right when she got off, I could see the leash was still inside the elevator door.

“It was all slow motion, but it all happened so fast. Before I knew it the dog got launched into the air and I jumped into action.
“I re-watched the video and I didn’t feel like it was me in the video, but it happened so naturally.”
Dr Awad also told ABC Action News that he had just returned home to his apartment after working a seven-day shift at the nearby Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
Despite the long hours undoubtedly saving people’s lives he wasn’t too tired to then save the life of a dog. What a hero!
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