When Olga Lystseva drove passed a sorry-looking dog on the highway she didn’t immediately stop.
As she went on her way she was haunted by the image of the bedraggled creature who clearly needed help and eventually she turned her car around and drove 9 miles back to the spot where she had first seen him.
When she found him again in the remote area of northern Russia she saw that he’d dug himself out of a shallow grave where his owners had given him a lethal injection and buried him alive.
Olga found Kiryusha lying on the ground wet and exhausted. She found some food for him and put him in the car.

The grateful dog slept the whole 93 miles to the nearest dog rescue service called Kind City, in Ukhta, as reported by the Mirror newspaper.
After treating Kiryusha images of him were posted on social media in an attempt to find those responsible for such cruelty.
The owners were found and said they had put the dog down because he was unhealthy and then buried him in a remote area close to the highway.

They “apologized” for their “mistake” in burying the dog alive, according to the animal shelter which carried out further tests and found the dog to be healthy.
After this sweet dog was given a clean bill of health he was adopted by Olga.
Ekaterina Nimak, from the rescue service, said: “Thanks to Olga, Kiryusha has begun a new life.”

I don’t understand why anyone would do this to an animal; this couple tried to murder their own dog, it’s so shocking.
Please share this story to pay tribute to Olga who rescued this sweet dog from a life of cruelty.