Last month an inspiring rescue took place, after rescuers narrowly avoided a tragedy by saving a dog from railroad tracks — and now there’s even more good news for this lucky dog.
On March 30, City of San Antonio Animal Care Services reported a “Miracle on the Tracks.” Animal Care Officer Edwards received a call about a dog tied to an active railroad track, unable to free himself.
Officer Edwards arrived on the scene and quickly got to work freeing the Labrador, who was lying on the tracks. The dog’s leash was nailed to the rail, preventing him from getting away and tightening more as he tried to escape.
The officer worked to gain the scared animal’s trust. He then moved “quickly and safely” to free the dog from the track.
Thankfully, he was able to get the dog free — just moments before a train zoomed down the track. If the officer hadn’t arrived when he did, the dog would have certainly met a tragic end.
It isn’t clear if someone intentionally nailed the dog to the track, or if he just got caught on a nail. Either way, everyone was just grateful that tragedy was avoided and the dog was rescued just in time. Animal care servies appropriately named the dog “Lucky.”
At the time they reported that Lucky would need some time to “settle down,” but would soon be put up for adoption.
Then, on April 5, they shared an inspiring update: Lucky has been adopted!
“As soon as I met him, I could tell he was exactly the kind of dog that would fit in with my family. He was so chill and unbothered,” said the new owner, named in the post as Mr. C.
The shelter said that Mr. C took Lucky out to their play yards before adopting him. They got along great and they decided it was a perfect match.
Animal Care Services reported that Lucky was neutered and microchip before being transferred to his new home. They also report that Lucky has been renamed “Duke” by his new owners.
We’re so glad Lucky/Duke was rescued just in time and now has a great new home! Truly a miracle ❤️
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