It’s always great to have a dog by your side. Dogs are such loyal and protective pets with great instincts, and they can step up to alert and protect you in dangerous situations.
That’s especially true for children, who are especially vulnerable to dangerous situations. Dogs are often most protective of the youngest members of their family.
That’s what one dog proved recently, after he saved a 12-year-old girl from a frightening incident with a stranger.

According to a police report from the Columbiana County Sheriff’s Office, reported by WKBN, a 12-year-old girl from Fairfield Township, Ohio was chased by a man driving an old pick-up truck.
The girl ran from him but the strange man kept going after her — until her loyal dog intervened, attacking the man and knocking him to the ground. The police report says he “got him pretty good.”
The man finally backed off, getting in his truck and driving away.
Now, police are investigating the driver over the incident. They are hoping that someone recognizes the man’s distinct vehicle — a 1970s model, rust/maroon-colored Ford pickup truck.

“If you have any information on this incident or vehicle please contact Columbiana County Sheriff’s Office. 330-424-7255,” the Columbiana County Sheriff’s Office wrote on Facebook.
While the case is still under investigation and the man hasn’t been identified, the good news is that the girl is safe from harm, all because she had her loyal dog by her side.
The dog has been hailed as a hero online. “Man, woman and little one’s best friend!” one commenter wrote on Facebook. “Thank God for this dog, hope he gets a juicy steak for his heroic deed!”

Bless this dog for saving this girl from serious danger. It’s amazing what dogs are capable in times of crisis, stepping up to protect their loved ones.
We hope this man is found by the police soon! Share this story to spread the word!