There are too many animals found dumped in shocking conditions; a clear sign that too many people have pets they cannot look after properly.
When one dog was found by a passerby, abandoned and shivering cold, he had not only been dumped but his mouth had been taped shut with electrical tape, giving him no chance of survival.
But the universe had other plans for this little pup.
Bob Hoelter, of Griffith, Indiana, was taking a night time walk to the store when he heard a strange noise.
He realized it was a whimper and looked around to see where it was coming from.

“I was looking at the water and the land, but I don’t see anything, but I hear it,” Bob told The Dodo. “I walked back to land and I walked around and looked around.”
As he shone his flashlight under a bridge where he thought the noise was coming from, he was met with an upsetting sight.
He spotted a tiny, scared puppy with its mouth sealed with back electrical tape.
Dog thrown off bridge but missed the water
Bob rushed the shivering dog to Griffith Animal Hospital where the abandoned pup was assessed and found to be four months old, starving, with a broken leg and damaged skin where the tape had been.
Staff believe the pup was thrown from the bridge into the water but missed and ended up stranded on the banks of the river, according to The Dodo.
Griffith Animal Hospital manager Lori Kovacich wrote in a Facebook post: “In my 30 years of working here, I never thought I’d see this … in real life.
“Through tears we watched this tiny pup eat, and eat and wag his little tail. Our whole staff was without words,” she added.
This sweet pup was found a loving forever home with Mary Witting and her husband, Doug, and they named him Louie.
Bob’s niece even arranged a reunion with Louie and the man who saved her. The moment they met was an emotional one as Bob was greeted with love and kisses from a grateful Louie.
“We all have our calling,” a modest Bob told The Dodo. “I’m going to have to walk more often.”

Thank goodness Bob decided to walk to the store that evening instead of drive.
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