Dog who spent 600 days in shelter finally gets adopted — takes a limo to his new home

It’s always an exciting day when a shelter dog goes off to his forever home, but it was an extra special day for a dog named Chester.

After some rough beginnings in a neglectful home and nearly 600 days in the shelter, he’s heading to his new home in style.

Chester, a 4-year-old pit bull, was rescued along with three other dogs from an abusive, neglectful home situation in August 2022. He was found chained up in a vacant house, nearly starved to death.

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Facebook/Euclid Pet Pals

“Chester was completely skin and bones, the dog couldn’t even lay down. He had his paw stuck in a prong collar and he was a mess. He had to be carried out after a little bit because he could not stand,” Kyrie Brickman, kennel manager at Euclid Animal Shelter, told WJW.

“He absolutely was so relieved to see people and to be honest, I don’t know how much longer he would have lasted.”

Chester was in good hands at the shelter. Over time, he recovered, regained weight and learned to trust humans again. However, he struggled to find a forever home.

The shelter described him on Facebook as a “loyal and handsome companion” who enjoys playtime and cuddling, but it still seemed like no one was interested in adopting him.

Chester needed an experienced home without young children, “one that understands his past, offers patience, and provides an environment where he can be the sole,” the shelter wrote.

A year and a half went by, and Chester had been at the shelter for nearly 600 days. It seemed like he was never going to find a home of his own. The three other dogs he was rescued with found homes before he did.

But then, Chester’s luck finally turned around. According to FOX 8, a woman named Lauren Reitsman heard about Chester when a friend sent her an online post. She knew she could be the perfect person to give the sweet dog a home.

Lauren adopted Chester, and for his final freedom ride out of the shelter, she made it extra special by getting Chester a limo!

The dog rode in style to his long-awaited forever home, and he is reportedly settling in well. Lauren says she plans on cooking his favorite food, meatballs.

“He has all these people around him and he’s just bopping around just to see who he can get love from, so I think I won the lottery,” she told FOX 8.

How amazing — we’re so glad Chester finally found a home! Please share this amazing news if you love dogs! 🐾❤️


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