Family didn’t realize their new house “came with a dog” — but soon realize it’s meant to be

Sometimes pets come into our lives in ways that we never expect. Recently one family moved to a new house, and discovered a dog in the yard just waiting for a new family to love her.

But soon, a bond formed that changed all of their lives.

The sweet story was shared by the Humane Society of the Pikes Peak Region. They wrote that one family moved to a new home and were surprised to discover the house “also came with a dog,” a homeless dog named Bailey who was on the property.

The family met Bailey before moving in, and days later discovered she was still there waiting for them. It seemed the dog was determined to be one of the family.

“In the few days of knowing each other, it was as though Bailey had lived with them her whole life,” the Humane Society wrote. “She grew protective over the kiddos, became besties with their dogs, and even photobombed their family photos at their new home.”

The homeowners took Bailey to the humane society, trying to find out if she had a family. But they had formed such a strong bond in just a few days that they promised they would adopt her if no one came forward.

At the same time, Bailey had a number of medical issues that needed attention. She had eye issues and her eyelids were so swollen she couldn’t see. Staff members had to carry her because she refused to walk.

Thankfully the humane society provided her with double entropion repair surgery, and she came out of it with perfect vision.

After some time passed and no one came forward, the new homeowners made good on their promise and came back to adopt Bailey for good!

Maybe they didn’t expect their new home would also come with a new pet, but Bailey clearly knew she had found a loving family to take care of her.

“She found her family all by herself! Bailey’s heart led her to the place she was meant to be all along!” the Humane Society wrote.

What a heartwarming story! It was clearly meant to be ❤️ Please share this story if you love dogs!

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