The COVID-19 pandemic has greatly impacted all of our lives, forcing everyone to stay at home and many businesses to cease operation.
One of the biggest and first industries to be impacted is the airline industry. But with barely anyone on board, one flight attendant got to have a little fun with one adorable passenger.
Jenn Yoo is a flight attendant, and like everyone in her field she’s feeling the pain of the coronavirus.
“Everything’s changing not by the day, but more like by the hour,” Jenn told The Dodo. “I’m just thankful that I even still have a job for now.”
She continues to work on mostly-empty flights, but misses the social part of the job that come with a crowded plane. However, there’s one silver lining: she gets to spend more time with each passenger… especially the dogs!
Posted by Jenn Yoo on Wednesday, April 1, 2020
“Since there are no people passengers I’m attending to, I have more time with the dogs,” Jenn said.
On one recent flight, there were only six passengers on board… including one good dog, who was in a seat all by herself:
Posted by Jenn Yoo on Sunday, March 29, 2020
Luckily for Jenn, the dog had a fun game to pass the time on the flight.
“At one point she ducked her head behind the seat and popped back out which got me doing the same with her,” Jenn told The Dodo. “Before I knew it, we were having our own little game of hide-and-seek.”
Posted by Jenn Yoo on Sunday, March 29, 2020
With permission from the dog’s owner, Jenn posted the adorable videos on Facebook, where it gave people a much-needed smile.
During this difficult crisis we all need to look for the silver linings and stay positive. Spread the joy by sharing this cute story!