Hero dog dies after saving her family from house fire — rest in peace

Our pets have incredible instincts and can often detect dangers before their humans can, and are always looking out for their humans. You never know when your cat or dog will raise the alarm and save your life.

Recently, one heroic little dog saved his family by waking them up from a house fire — but sadly did not survive 😢💔

A family in Jefferson County, Colorado were in serious danger in the early hours of August 14: their home caught fire, but the family was sound asleep.

The only one who noticed the growing flames was the family’s 4-year-old dog, Cuddles, who jumped into action to save the day.

Homeowner Suzanne Elkins says she only noticed the fire when the dog climbed into their bed to wake up her husband: “Cuddles hopped on Victor’s chest and barked in his face to wake him up to let us know that there was a danger,” she recalled to 9 News.


As the flames reached the second floor, the couple were able to escape in time with their 13-year-old grandson Jaxson Coley, Cuddles’ owner. However, they lost sight of Cuddles.

With everyone out, Victor tried to go back inside to look for the dog, but couldn’t find him through the smoke and the flames. Cuddles was considered missing, until they found her body a few days later. She apparently died of smoke inhalation.

According to a post from West Metro Fire Rescue, the cause of the fire is still under investigation. It reportedly began on the back porch before causing extensive damage to the first and second floor, and burned a hole in the middle of their living room.

It’s scary to think that this family was sound asleep, oblivious to the growing fire. It’s clear that Cuddles saved their lives, and though she died, she died a hero.

“She was very playful and loving she just wanted to cuddle everybody,” Jaxson told 9 News. “I’m still in shock.” 

“Really without her doing that who knows what would have happened to us,” Suzanne Elkins said. “Love on your dogs. They’re not given enough credit I think for how powerful they can be.” 

A GoFundMe has been set up to help the family rebuild after the devastating house fire; it has raised over $20,000 so far.

Rest in peace to this hero dog — thank you for alerting your family and helping them get out of this fire safely 💔😢

Please share this story in memory of Cuddles.


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