It was dubbed the worst case of animal abuse ever. Dog Caitlyn was found with her mouth duct-taped shut – the tape was so hard around her mouth that she was severely injured.
But Caitlyn survived. Furthermore, the whole world heard her story and stood by her side.
Lawyer Ted Corvey was determined that the person who had abused her would get the toughest punishment possible.
WARNING: The following photos may be upsetting to readers
15 month old Caitlyn’s story became known across the world after she was found severely injured on her previous owner’s porch in North Charleston, USA.
Her previous owner had sold her to a 41 year old man for just USD $10. The man had only had Caitlyn for a few days when he injured her so badly that she nearly died.
She fled from the man and was found on her previous owner’s porch. When she was found, her mouth had been taped up for 36-48 hours. She was critically injured.

The tape was fastened so tightly that the blood flow to her tongue had stopped.
”This is the most serious case of animal abuse I’ve seen throughout my career,” Aldwin Roman, director of outreach at Charleston Animal Society, said when Caitlyn first arrived
Caitlyn was in so much pain that she couldn’t eat or drink. At first staff at the centre weren’t sure if she’d survive her injuries, since the huge number of dead nerves could have had serious complications. Caitlyn endured several operations to save her tongue and mouth.
Luckily, it all ended well for Caitlyn, and today she’s thriving. She’s also become a celebrity. She’s been honored by People Magazine who announced that she had the best survival story of 2015.
The scars left by the tape are still visible, but thankfully she’s no longer in pain. She’s been adopted by a loving family who give her everything she needs.

And the story doesn’t end there!
For two long years, lawyer Ted Corvey has fought to get justice for Caitlyn. He was determined that the man who hurt her would receive the highest possible sentence for animal abuse.
In March 2017 he finally succeeded. The 41 year old man was sentenced to 5 years in prison, which he will serve at the same time as a 15 year sentence he received due to a different offense.
Caitlyn the dog thanks Assistant Solicitor Ted Corvey for sticking with her case for almost two years and for getting the maximum sentence for her abuser! #JusticeforCaitlyn #IamCaitlyn #adoptatcas
Posted by Charleston Animal Society on Monday, March 27, 2017
“I think this sends a message that … we’re not going to let this stuff slide anymore,” Aldwin Roman tells Post and Courier and continues:
“We’re going to do everything we can within the law to stop this, and then we’re going to go beyond and change our laws and make them stronger.”
I think it’s completely right that anyone who abuses animals should receive a tough sentence!
Share this story if you also think we should have harder sentences for animal abusers.
Published by The Animal Bible. Please like.