Kelly Benzel had always dreamed of adding a puppy to her family. And as Christmas drew closer, she decided it was finally time to give a loving home to a puppy in need.
Then she saw an ad posted on Facebook – and everything fell into place.
The ad was from a person who wanted to sell their puppy ‘Rocco’, a pitbull-mix, after owning him for only a couple of months.
When Kelly visited the seller and picked Rocco up for the first time, she knew straight away that she was going to take him home – and that Rocco would be the perfect Christmas surprise for her family.
But on the way home she discovered something terrible.
Couldn’t take it any longer
Rocco was giving off a strong stink. In the end, when Kelly couldn’t take the smell any longer, she stopped the car at the side of the road.
When she took off Rocco’s collar she discovered a huge, infected wound. The wound around his neck was 6 centimeters long and 1,5 centimeters deep.
Kelly was horrified and went straight to the vet to help the poor puppy as soon as possible.

Called the police
The vets dressed the wound and gave the puppy medicine to fight the infection. When the treatment was finished, Rocco could finally go home to his new family.
The vets told Kelly that Rocco had been wearing the collar since he was very small, and that it had embedded into his skin as he grew.

Kelly immediately got in touch with the puppy’s previous owner, who tried to silence her by offering to pay for the treatment. But Kelly called the police and explained what had happened.
Rocco’s previous owner claimed to have had no idea about the injury – and said they never took the collar off because Rocco always tried to run away.
But poor Rocco got justice. The previous owners was convicted of animal abuse and was forced to pay a USD $1 000 fine.
In court during sentencing, District Attorney Eric Toney remarked:
”Kelly actually stood up and thanked Amanda for making the Facebook post about Rocco, because it put him in her life and out of that situation. I think that is really powerful.”
Now, Rocco is healthy and happy with his new loving family!
I am so incredibly happy that Rocco was rescued and ended up in a family that really cares about him!
Please share this article with your friends if you think that all dogs deserve a loving home!
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