Lost dog reunites with family after more than two years missing: “like you were never gone”

It’s always heartbreaking when a pet goes missing, but it’s important to not lose hope entirely — sometimes pets return to us when we least expect them, months or even years after they disappeared.

Recently, one family reunited with their missing dog after more than two years — and say it’s like he never went away.

Ashley Agnew and her family were heartbroken two-and-a-half years ago when their dog Milo disappeared from their home in Houston, Texas.

The family searched everywhere but couldn’t find the dog, and eventually lost hope, according to KHOU. In the years since, the family relocated to Seattle, never expecting to see Milo again.

Facebook/Houston Heights Lost and Found Pet Page

Flash forward to this month: Teri Hill, a microchip caseworker at Lost Dogs of Texas, learned about a dog who had been found nearby, who thankfully had a microchip.

Teri contacted the listed owner, and was stunned to discover the dog had been lost for over two years: it was Milo, found at last after all this time.

Teri wrote on Facebook that Ashley “was crying in disbelief” when she heard the miraculous news.

“When Teri called me that they found Milo, I immediately called my daughter. She started hysterically crying,” Ashley told KHOU. “She didn’t believe me until I sent her the picture then she started sobbing. She was like this can’t be happening.” 

Though getting Milo from Texas to Washington was no small task, the nonprofit Roams to Homes Animal Rescue covered the roundtrip airfare for Ashley to fly in and pick up her long-lost dog.

The stage was set for an unforgettable reunion. Ashley shared photos and videos of her and her family reuniting with Milo. “Our family is finally complete!” she wrote on Facebook.

Even after two and a half years, it was like nothing had changed. “It’s really like you were never gone boy!” Ashley wrote. “You remembered your name, came to me and are sleeping at my feet right now and I can’t even describe how much I really did miss this little guy!”

She also thanked everyone who helped them get Milo back. “Thank you all so much! Our family will never forget it!”

“Much love and hope to those still missing their fur babies! My heart goes out to you all!”

What a miracle — we’re so glad Milo is finally home! It’s a reminder to get your pets microchipped, which makes reunions like this possible even after years apart!

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