It’s always heartbreaking to have to put down a pet. Euthanasia should only be a last resort for animals who are terminally ill or suffering.
But not everyone sees it that way. There are many owners who heartlessly turn to euthanizing their pets simply for being inconvenient for them.
Like one man, who took his two dogs to be put down… because his girlfriend was allergic to them.
A pair of senior dogs named Cosmo & Sam had lived with their owner for ten years in Portage, Indiana. But their owner got divorced and moved in with a new girlfriend, who was allergic to the dogs.
Instead of handling the situation in a humane way—securing a new home for the dogs, or even surrendering them to a rescue who could help—he opted to take them to the vet and requested they be euthanized.
Cosmo & Sam were senior dogs but still perfectly healthy and active. Their owner was requesting what’s known as “convenience euthanasia,” when pet owners ask for their pets to be put down for reasons like allergies or furniture scratching. It’s less common than it used to be, but sadly still happens.
“It is a difficult situation to be in when we are serving the person in front of us, but they are requesting, perhaps demanding, that we do something we feel is against our oath,” veterinarian Dr. Matt Cantrell told the Times of Northwest Indiana.
“None of us want to end a pet’s life unless it is to prevent suffering.”
Luckily, the vets who took in these dogs did not obey the owner’s request, sparing their lives and sending them to the care of Begin Again Rescue Co.
But being abandoned by their longtime owner clearly left a psychological impact on the dogs.
“They were heartbroken when we got them,” said Penny Emerson, president of Begin Again. “We had to make them special food to get them to eat.”
“Eventually though, we got them to perk up.”
The dogs spent months at the rescue, waiting to find a new home—hopefully with people who wouldn’t leave them so thoughtlessly.
There were a few hurdles that made them harder to find homes for. Cosmo & Sam were bonded and had to be adopted as a pair, and they were senior dogs, which isn’t what most families are looking for.
Still, older dogs have a lot to offer: “They’re trained, housebroken and don’t chew up shoes,” Penny Emerson said. “They’re generally more easygoing. I prefer senior dogs myself. Puppies are a lot of work.”
And even at ten years old, the dogs were full of life.
“These boys are loyal, loving, and still full of lots of energy!” P.A.W.S. Tinley Park wrote on Facebook. “Their nightly routine consists of non stop fetch until your arm gets tired.”
Luckily, these dogs got the happy ending they deserved.
A couple named Eric and Tiffany Dybas, of Lockport, Illinois, adopted both dogs, giving them a loving home.
“[Eric] called me and thanked us for everything and told me they’ll come for a visit,” Emerson told the Times. “He said Cosmo and Sam sleep in the bed with them and have free rein of the house and a nice yard, so they got a happy ending.”
The dogs seem to be doing great, and even have their own Instagram page.
It’s an inspiring story. While these dogs’ lives were derailed by the carelessness of their owner, they were rescued by people willing to open their hearts and homes.
“Thank you to everyone that has shared their story and the biggest thank you to this wonderful family for opening their home to a bonded pair of seniors!” P.A.W.S. wrote.
Thank you to this couple for taking these dogs in, keeping them together and giving them a second chance!
Pets are a lifelong commitment. This story is a reminder that we can’t just throw away our pets when it’s inconvenient.
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