Animal rescuers said it was the worst case of animal abuse they had seen in over 30 years, a dog found whimpering in a trash bag, nearly beaten to death and urinated on.
Puppy Chloe was thankfully found but her rescuers didn’t hold out much hope for her survival.
Chloe, a Maltipoo-terrier mix, was only 9 months old when she was found whimpering in a bag of trash along with rotting food, in Long Beach, California.
“It turned out that she has a skull fracture and she probably has some broken ribs,” Fix Long Beach Pets and Animals board member Diana Kliche told CBS2. “They were worried that her neck was broken, and her leg was snapped in half.”
Diana said it was one of the worst cases of animal abuse she had ever seen.
The dog had been beaten to within an inch of its life and then urinated on before dumping it in a tied trash bag, clearly with the aim of killing it.
Animal rescuers said they were utterly horrified and said Chloe was fighting for her life in an animal emergency hospital.
“Someone who is abusing a pet like this will move onto people,” Diane warned.
She was also found to have a fractured back leg, although this appears to be an old injury.
While veterinarians rushed to save Chloe’s life, a reward of $12,000 for information that could help catch the person responsible is being offered.
Thankfully this sweet little fighter pulled through her horrific ordeal and despite the head injuries she endured she suffered no lasting neurological damage.
She even found a forever home where she has the love and care she deserves after being treated so horribly.
This pup was so lucky to be found when she was. Nobody should get away with treating an animal this way.
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