When Junior Cook heard animal cries coming from a remote island near his home, he presumed it was the sound of wolf cubs play fighting.
The Canadian, who lives near Cross Lake, a remote area in Winnipeg, Manitoba, heard the same cries the next day and knew this wasn’t the sound of play fighting but a cry for help.
He decided to row over to the island to take a closer look at the noisy castaways and took a friend with him for help.
Thankfully he did take a closer look as the animals weren’t wolf cubs but 3-month old Labrador retriever-mix puppies and they were starving.

How they ended up trapped on the island without food is a mystery but the men knew this was a desperate situation which they had to deal with immediately.
The men couldn’t rescue the puppies straight away as they were too frightened to be caught so they had to earn their trust.

They decided to return to the island and contact local animal rescue shelter Norway House where volunteers were drafted in to go to the island and earn these pups’ trust and what better way to do it than with food.
Food was definitively the key to these pups’ hearts as they were soon eating out of the volunteers’ hands and they were able to transport them by boat back to the mainland.

Now the four boy and three girl pups are safe and happy with their foster mom who has named them after characters from the 1960s TV show “Gilligan’s Island.”
After their story was posted on social media they had requests from as far afield as Japan to adopt them.

I can’t believe somebody would dump puppies like this separated from their mom, knowing full well they’ll starve to death without help, it’s just barbaric.
I look forward to seeing an update when they are rehomed with loving forever families and never have to worry about anything like this happening again. Please share.