One stray dog was so determined to hitch a ride on a jeepney, local public transportation in the Philippines, that she refused to give up, even after the vehicle proceeded to leave her in the dust.
The driver took notice of her persistence and rewarded her with a loving home.
“The stray dog was sitting in a public road, then when our jeepney passed by, she suddenly chased the jeepney and she wanted to take a ride,” Jaypee Barcelinia told The Dodo.
Barcelinia said as the jeepney rode through Quezon City, the dog attempted to leap on the bus, but failed six times.
The jeepney driver was hesitant about letting the dog onboard because he was afraid the stray would bite and bother passengers.
But… “the dog really wanted to join us,” Barcelinia told Newsflare.
Eventually the driver stopped the bus and allowed the dog to jump on.
Once onboard, the tired dog took a well-deserved nap.
”Even after the journey finished the dog didn’t want to leave,” the passenger said. “The driver is now keeping her and taking care of her.”
Aww! What a happy ending for this homeless dog.
Pass this story on if you would have stopped to help this poor pooch.