Video showed dog being abused by owner, now she’s safe and looking for a new home

A video of a dog suffering from abuse from her owner shocked people online — but now, the dog has been seized and is getting a chance for a new start.

This week, upsetting footage of a Philadelphia man abusing his dog spread on social media. It shows the man grabbing the dog up by the skin of her hind end and repeatedly hitting her.

The footage can be seen in this Instagram post from @watchoutphilly (the photos/video may obviously be upsetting). The account said they wanted to spread the word about the case so the culprit would be identified.

As the video spread, tips began pouring in to the Pennsylvania SPCA Animal Cruelty Hotline — and thankfully, a suspect was soon identified. According to a release from the PSPCA, officers went to the identified location of the man and recognized the dog.

They apprehended the suspect and gained custody of the dog, now named Daisy, who was brought to the hospital for care. She is reportedly in stable condition, and “being monitored for any lasting impacts of the physical harm she suffered.”

“We are grateful that Daisy is safe in our care today,” said Julie Klim, CEO of the Pennsylvania SPCA. “Through the tireless work of our Animal Law Enforcement Officers and those who called in the tip, we were able to find this innocent dog and bring her to safety. This is the work that our officers do day in and day out, though it may not always receive the same notoriety and fanfare. They are heroes, and that was clearly evidenced through this case.”

No charges have yet been brought against the suspected culprit, but the case remains open, and charges pend on the results of a forensic examination.

According to McClatchy News, Daisy will soon be placed up for adoption. Hopefully, she will soon find a great home with someone who will give her the love she deserves.

It’s heartbreaking to see a dog endure such abuse, and we’re so glad that Daisy was rescued from this awful situation and is now in good hands.

Please share this story if you love animals.

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