When a beautiful Green-cheeked parakeet named Wei Wei visited The Unusual Pet Vets in Brisbane, Australia, Dr. Catherine Apuli noticed something was off.
The 12-week-old bird’s wings had been trimmed too short which prevented her from flying. Her owner informed Apuli that anytime Wei Wei attempted to fly she dropped to the ground.
While Wei Wei’s situation sounds dire, Apuli knew just how to help the little bird.
Apuli performed a procedure known as imping, a method that’s used to repair broken or damaged feathers. Donated feathers were used to replace Wei Wei’s damaged feathers.
With the new feathers Wei Wei will be able to fly again, and once she grows older she will molt and grow new feathers.
The Unusual Pet Vets shared on their Facebook that Wei Wei is doing well since the procedure and her owner has been doing recall training with Wei Wei.
Did you know about this procedure? Share this article on Facebook if this is the first you’re hearing about imping.