foxes - We Love Animals


Sleepy fox napping on a tree brings joy to isolating family

Baby fox found with plastic jar trapped on head — rescuer saves the day

Human garbage can be a serious hazard for animals. We’ve seen many stories of wildlife getting stuck in jars, bottles ...

Woman rescues baby animal from trash bin just in time — raises him to be a full-grown beauty

You never know when an animal will come into your life and change everything. One animal rescuer discovered a tiny ...

Wildlife rescuers wear fox masks while caring for baby kit — learn the important reason why

Wildlife rescuers truly go the extra mile to help animals in need and give them their best chance at survival. ...

Family of cute baby foxes turn man's backyard into their playground

To experience the beauty of nature, sometimes you don’t need to go further than your own backyard. If you’re lucky ...

Foxes caught on camera sneaking into yard and jumping on the trampoline

With most of us spending more time in our homes and the streets being a lot quieter we’re all enjoying ...