German Shepherd Her Favorite Song On The Radio
Dogs have an incredible ability to react in the funniest and most heartwarming ways when they hear sounds they love — whether it’s their owner singing, the honk of a car horn, or even a ...
Dogs have an incredible ability to react in the funniest and most heartwarming ways when they hear sounds they love — whether it’s their owner singing, the honk of a car horn, or even a ...
Two hikers were left shocked after finding a distressed German shepherd on the trail with its mouth tied shut with a zip tie — now the dog is in good hands, and authorities are searching ...
Police officers often have a soft spot for dogs. We’ve seen many stories of on-duty officers finding a dog in need of help, and giving them a forever home. That was the case for one ...
Too many animals are dumped outside shelters because their owners can no longer care for them. But many animals are just dumped in places with no means of getting food and water, an offence which ...
This summer has been HOT. No matter human, dog, or wild animal, it’s been tough to escape the heat some days. One day, in late June, Lexi Daniel was hiking Mount Tammany in New Jersey ...
Life can be so tough for stray dogs, fending for themselves without knowing any love or kindness. It’s even harder when they have a disability, trying to survive on the streets despite everything. That was ...
When Shannon Lorio got in her car and went for a drive after an argument with her husband, the events that followed changed her life forever. The Georgia woman headed for a road known for ...
There are many reasons why pet owners dump their animals at shelters but what seems to be a common theme is their life changes and they can’t accommodate a pet. While it’s a wonderful thing ...
Even though Kevin Coachman and his German Shepherd Lucca have been together for only three months, the pair is inseparable. So when Lucca was stolen from Coachman’s backyard in Harvey, Illinois, he was devastated. “It ...
Owning a dog is a major responsibility. When you bring a pet home, you need to be ready to take care of them for life. It’s important people know what they’re getting into so they ...