Baseball fans find dog left in hot car outside stadium and save his life
It’s the middle of summer, and it’s more important than ever to be alert for dogs left in hot cars. While it’s never a good idea to leave a dog in a car unattended, dogs ...
It’s the middle of summer, and it’s more important than ever to be alert for dogs left in hot cars. While it’s never a good idea to leave a dog in a car unattended, dogs ...
It’s summer, and with temperatures rising to record levels in many areas, it’s more important than ever to look after our dogs, who are susceptible to heat stroke. Every year there are far too many ...
It’s summer, and with temperatures high it’s important to be alert about pets left in hot cars. Dogs are very susceptible to heat stroke and can die if left alone in a car for too ...
It’s summer, and as temperatures rise it’s important to stay safe from the heat — and keep your pets safe as well. Dogs are especially susceptible to heat stroke due to being left in hot ...
It’s still the summer, and it’s important to remain aware of the danger of hot car deaths. Leaving an animal alone in a car for even a few minutes leaves them extremely susceptible to heat ...
It’s still the summer, and it’s important to remain vigilant about the threat of hot car deaths. It is a sadly common problem: people leave their pets alone in their vehicles, not realizing that even ...
We’re in the middle of summer, and temperatures are scorching in many areas. It’s more important than ever to be aware of leaving dogs in hot cars. Dogs are very susceptible to heat stroke, and ...
Dogs being left in hot cars remains a tragically preventable cause of death for pets. Dogs are very susceptible to heat stroke, and being left locked in a vehicle unattended can quickly lead to fatal ...
It’s summer, and as temperatures rise we need to all be vigilant about hot car deaths. Dogs are extremely susceptible for heat stroke, and it is sadly common for these pets to be left in ...
It’s almost summer, and as temperatures soar it’s extremely important to be aware of your dog’s health in the heat. Dogs are very susceptible to heat stroke, and an all-too-common killer is hot car deaths, ...