Stray kitten found at airport gets adopted by employee
There are so many stray animals out in the world fending for themselves, without a home or family to care for them. But sometimes these animals end up in just the right place — and ...
There are so many stray animals out in the world fending for themselves, without a home or family to care for them. But sometimes these animals end up in just the right place — and ...
Some people just have a way with animals, something that makes them trust them and follow them. That’s definitely true for one woman, whose animal friends made her seem magical to onlookers as she led ...
Dogs are incredible animals—they’re so kind and intuitive that they are able to help other animals when they see them in distress. It’s especially heartwarming to see a pet dog help out a stray, almost ...
When most animal lovers spot a stray animal they’ll do everything they can to improve its quality of life. When Ashley Morrison encountered a scared, stray cat, she went above and beyond. A stray tabby ...
Many animal lovers have read James Bowen’s A Street Cat Named Bob, his true story of how a stray cat changed everything at a dark time in his life. The book and its sequels have ...
All animals are beautiful and worth of love, even if they look a little different. That’s definitely the case for one cat who had his ears removed, but is still living his best life with ...
When you help out a stray animal, they never forget it. Strays are often scared of humans, but if you show them some kindness, they’ll know they can trust you. That’s what one story shows: ...
The city of Istanbul, Turkey is known for caring for their animals. They have a large population of street cats and dogs, but in their culture it’s common to care for them by leaving out ...
Not all animals have homes, but they all deserve a little love. The city of Istanbul, Turkey is known for its large population of street animals—an estimated 130,000 dogs and 125,000 cats. The city is ...
There are many stray animals on the streets around the world. Life can be hard for these homeless cats and dogs—they rely on the kindness of strangers, and have to find people to feed them. ...