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3 construction workers saves frozen dog from icy water only to learn their huge mistake upon arriving to vet

Can you imagine being trapped in a river in the middle of winter? I guess it is something that none of us would ever want to experience because this kind of situation is something that could really end badly.

Unfortunately, this was what happened last Wednesday while some construction worker were out working on the Sindi Dam at Parnu River in Estonia.

The men didn’t hesitate for a second to intervene when they saw a poor ”dog” fighting for its life in the river.

They acted fast and managed to save the creature – but something unbelievable was discovered at the vet.


Rando Kartsepp, Robin Sillamäe and Erki Väli acted immediately when they saw the ”dog” in the icy river.

But it wasn’t a dog – it was a wolf, according to the Estonian site Postimees.

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They cleared a path through the ice to get to the struggling animal and carried the distressed creature in their arms to land, covered it with towels and drove it to the vet.

The men had their suspicions about the animal after they picked it up and noticed how heavy it was.

Severe hypothermia

Their suspicions were confirmed when the vet told them it wasn’t a dog they had saved – but a wolf.

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“He was calm, slept on my legs. When I wanted to stretch them, he raised his head for a moment,” Rando Kartsepp said, according to  Postimees.

The men had rescued a one-year-old male wolf which was suffering from severe hypothermia. After treatment he was put in a cage.

The wolf has recovered and is ready to be released into the wild.

“The Environmental Agency wants to fit the wolf with a radio tracker for which purpose he will be put to sleep briefly before being released,” according to Postimees.

These men’s compassion for the distressed wolf is a really good reminder that being good is a choice we make and it is something that we should always choose to do.

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What an incredible story! So wonderful that the wolf did well in the end. 

The rescue of this young wolf was remarkable not only because it was a wild animal but because of the willingness of people to help it, despite the fact that it was a risky move. 

Share to pay tribute to the animal heroes who saved poor wolf’s life!


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