Sometimes the most beautiful nature can be found at home. Especially during a time like this, there’s something about looking out your window and seeing the animals visiting your backyard.
That was the case for one grandmother, who got the most adorable visit from some playful little foxes.
The story comes from Reddit user u/Vechrotex, who posted some photos from his grandmother. The woman lives near a wooded area where fox sightings are not uncommon, but one sighting was so cute she had to take a photo.
It was a baby fox, who went up to her window, sticking his tongue out. It was like the little guy was paying a visit, curious who was inside the house.

People loved the precious fox… so the poster shared an updated with even more photos.
As if that first visit wasn’t a blessing enough, the grandmother got another visit from the same fox… and this time, he brought a friend!

Maybe the fox had a good feeling about her backyard porch, and decided it would be the perfect place to play.
Soon the two foxes were playfully chasing each other around. One of them even caught the other’s tail:

These guys can visit our yards any day! Share this adorable story!